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Absence Management  

Stethoscope on the Cardiogram

The annual costs of sickness absence for UK businesses is estimated at around £554 per employee (CIPD, 2019), Sickness absence management has a major impact on profitability and the success of a business. Once an employee has been off sick for more than six weeks, the problem is often compounded and the chances of returning to work at all, are significantly reduced. If you want to get your employees back to work quickly and safely, early intervention is essential.


JT Occupational Health provide case management services for staff absent due to long or short-term illness, or those who remain in work but may have  recently suffered an injury or have been diagnosed with a medical condition. Our service aims to provide a comprehensive health review to identify health related issues, and provide clear, practical and effective guidance to help find a way forward for both management and employee.

Whilst Occupational Health assessments are available in a face-face format, many assessment can now be carried out using telephone consultation. This is often more convenient for both the employee and employer. For more information or to see if telephone health assessments might be appropriate to your needs, then  please contact

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